Sweat lodge and campfire in yard.


Stone People’s Purification Lodge Ceremony

An opportunity for people to gather in sacred ceremony 
for prayer, healing and connection to all of life.

The Stone People’s purification lodge ceremony provides you with an opportunity to pray for yourself, for other people, for your community, for the earth, for all your relations. Spend some quiet time reflecting on the healing you wish to pray for on all these levels. Bring your open heart to the ceremony.

No experience is needed. Newcomers are welcome! We do not charge for ceremony. 

Women on their moon time (menstruating) are welcome in this sweat lodge ceremony.

The lodge is located in Frankfort, IL. The address will be provided when you register. We try to offer lodge once a month. Upcoming lodges are listed in Workshops. Information on what to bring will be on the event page.

Kathleen has been trained and initiated as a water pourer into sweat lodge ceremony by Blackfoot and Northern Ute elders. They have given her their blessings to offer this ceremony in a good way. 

Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies

The change of seasons is a powerful time for ceremony, healing, dreaming and celebration. Equinox and solstice ceremonies will be listed in Workshops.